Why Stach Consulting?

Discover the value our team provides to transform digital marketing challenges into result-driven areas of opportunity.

Businessman holding an illuminated lightbulb

The Happy Medium Your Business Has Been Waiting For

Companies across the globe have traditionally been faced with two standard routes when looking to develop or advance their digital marketing. The first option is to roll the dice and commit to an in-house marketing department. However, this process requires a significant amount of time and investment to find and piece together a well-oiled marketing team. The second option is they can become one of the many customers at a marketing agency – a notoriously expensive way to acquire digital marketing services that routinely lacks flexibility and a personalized touch.

We are here to provide the happy medium we know you’ve been waiting for.

Our purpose is to offer you an economical alternative that eliminates the unnecessary need to pursue either of the outdated routes described above. We possess the digital marketing resources, expertise, and diversified experiences that are comparable to industry leaders in the marketplace. But what makes us different is our consulting approach and operating model: both of which are strategically structured to offer you noteworthy cost savings.

If you are having a negative experience with a marketing agency or are considering hiring in-house, book a free consultation to learn why working with Stach Consulting should be your next move!

What Life Cycle Stage is Your Business In?

Our consulting approach considers the business life cycle stage you are in, helping align digital marketing strategies and initiatives with your existing marketplace presence. Not only is this one of the many ways that our firm differs from the competition, but it is also essential to developing a customized strategy that tackles the needs of today, while also preparing for the expected growth of tomorrow.

Pre-Launch Startups

It’s time to match the excitement of an upcoming launch with a robust digital marketing strategy. Allow our team to shine a light on the core areas of digital marketing that will empower your business to make a splash upon entering the marketplace.

Post-launch Startups

The launch happened, but what’s next? Let’s create a differentiated strategy containing purpose-driven initiatives that will build upon the excitement you have experienced thus far and quickly grow your market share.

Mature Companies

The thrill isn’t over quite yet. Let our team provide you with fresh ideas and new perspectives to uncover digital marketing opportunities you may have never considered before.

Areas of Expertise

The online world is truly an overcrowded and chaotic environment. Should you create more blogs, improve your website, or build a stronger social media presence? Remove any uncertainties and allow our team to provide you with answers. Explore the diverse areas of expertise that our team possesses below:

Frequently Asked Questions

We receive questions all the time while consulting for businesses and individuals. Take a moment to review the FAQs section below to proactively answer any questions that are brewing in your mind.

We understand not every company is in the same life cycle stage and thus, may require a different approach to digital marketing. Furthermore, companies vary in regard to available capital, resources, and the overall time required to build and execute a digital marketing strategy. Having both worked at and consulted for companies of all shapes, sizes, and complexity, it was necessary to offer flexible service options to address the digital marketing needs of all businesses

Upon conducting a free 30-minute introductory consultation, the team at Stach Consulting will confirm the correct service option for your business. The purpose of this first meeting is to gain a general understanding of your business, considering available resources and digital marketing aspirations – among other key topics of discussion. For example, if you are an entrepreneur and wish to remain in control of your digital marketing, the Do It Yourself option may be the most appropriate path forward. Alternatively, if you have an in-house marketing professional employed at your business, it may be worth exploring the Done With You service option to combine our expert insights with theirs. Regardless of which service option is selected, you will always have a proven digital marketing strategy in hand to refer to.
No. Pricing is determined on a per-project basis once we understand the scope of the project at hand and the selected service option. We pride ourselves on being the affordable go-to alternative to acquiring digital marketing services based on a clear understanding of competitor pricing and industry benchmarks. In addition, we are firm believers that all businesses should have access to expert digital marketing services because they are a crucial piece of the puzzle to achieve overarching success.
We get asked this all the time and our answer may surprise you: why not? The summary of our expertise highlights the fact that we have truly seen it all. From very large global marketing project wins to those pesky campaigns that did not turn out as expected and still keep us up at night. We are eager marketers who always remain up to speed with the evolving field of digital marketing. Most importantly, we truly care about your success and believe digital marketing strategies are a foundational component to enable any business to stand out as a leader amongst followers.

Our service options include initial steps to confirm and remain in line with any policies or procedures that exist within your company’s marketing department. This is a very important step because it helps our team determine what is acceptable before diving into providing recommendations. In most cases, the successful digital marketing strategies and services we provide to individuals typically result in company-wide rollouts to other colleagues as well. This speaks to the influence our services have on companies and specifically, marketing departments that may not be pulling their weight in helping market your unique value.

In most cases yes, however, this highlights the importance of one of our core values: be collaborative. We collaborate and work with you to combine our strategic digital marketing expertise with your industry-specific knowledge. This helps to ensure that our work together always remains in line with both internal company policies and external industry compliance requirements. Please note that our team has consulted for and worked within highly regulated industries meaning we are well-versed with the strict compliance regulations of these industries.

Digital marketing is similar to any other functional area of a business in that it requires time and effort to be successful. When creating your unique strategy, we take into consideration the overall time and effort that will be required to execute it accordingly. Remember that you can always explore one of our other service options if the digital marketing initiatives are better off pursued by our team of experts.
We routinely consult with companies and individuals who are pursuing their billion-dollar ideas. In addition, we also collaborate with businesses that are launching new products or services that are bound to make new waves in the marketplace. As a result, confidentiality always remains of utmost importance when working with Stach Consulting.

The homepage of our website includes several noteworthy testimonials from our client base. In addition, we have several case studies located in our resources section that outline project successes spanning diverse areas of digital marketing.

In the unlikely event that a contract is terminated, our firm will require 30 days prior written notice to officially terminate a contract. This information is captured in an official contract that grants either party the ability to terminate the contract. To date, Stach Consulting has not experienced any terminated contracts as our projects and associated service requests across clients tend to increase over time.
The results you can expect to receive will be based on the focal areas of your digital marketing strategy. For example, generating more leads through a strong social media presence or optimizing messaging through powerful content that moves prospects further down the funnel. We look forward to reporting on these successes as our digital marketing journey progresses.

There are many benefits of acquiring the services of a digital marketing consultant including, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Expertise and specialized knowledge; 
  2. Cost-effectiveness and ROI; 
  3. Fresh perspectives and creativity; 
  4. Flexibility and scalability; 
  5. Save time and focus on core competiencies; and
  6. The marketing agency route is outdated 

For more information and reasoning behind these benefits, we encourage you to read this blog located in our resources library.

Book your FREE 30-minute Consultation!