Case Study: Peak Private Label

Social media advertising optimization project for Peak Private Label, a skincare manufacturing company.
Discovery Solutions Logo with Stach Consulting Logo

Customer Overview

Peak Private Label is an industry-disrupting skincare manufacturing company located in Calgary, Alberta. The company empowers aestheticians, medi-spas, and other skincare professionals to take their businesses to the next level by starting their own skincare lines. With over 200 Canadian businesses served, Peak Private Label handles all the manufacturing, packaging, and labelling of best-in-class skincare products for their clients. The overarching success of Peak Private Label blossomed from an easy and affordable approach to launching a skincare line that directly contributes to business growth and increased revenue across their respective client base. 


Peak Private Label is not a stranger to the digital marketing world having dipped their toes into several key areas in the past. Historically, the company has experienced spurts of success on the social media advertising front – attracting leads from the numerous campaigns built and run on Instagram and Facebook. This initial advertising success can be directly attributed to the company’s Web Services Manager, Travis Brockway, who has always been eager to educate himself on the intricacies involved with such an important area of digital marketing. However, in late 2023 he noticed a growing challenge related to the company’s ongoing social media advertising efforts.

“Social media advertising is a great avenue to build rapport online, especially within the Skincare industry. The competition is fierce and the campaigns I had built were contributing to our success, but I knew they could provide so much more. There came a time when the campaigns started to experience similar hurdles, which highlighted the need to seek additional expertise to help optimize our advertising strategy to its fullest potential.” – Travis Brockway, Web Services Manager at Peak Private Label

The main challenge that Peak Private Label began to experience was concerning the quality of leads. Specifically, these leads were significantly dropping off several days after campaigns would go live. A very common yet frustrating situation that many companies struggle with when advertising on Meta’s social media platforms.

In addition to this apparent challenge, Travis and Peak Private Label were also facing the following:

  • Difficulties coming up with new ideas and associated marketing assets to promote within campaigns
  • Uncovering unique ways to build new audiences within Meta Ads Manager
  • Concerns regarding the technical setup of their advertising account and previously run campaigns

Upon gaining an understanding of the digital marketing challenges and desires of the company, Peak Private Label decided to work directly with Christian Stachiw, Founder of Stach Consulting, to optimize their existing approach to social media advertising.


Remaining in line with the unique service offerings of Stach Consulting, the business relationship between the two parties was based on the consulting firm’s Done With You (DWY) digital marketing services. This synergistic approach was necessary to combine the previous advertising efforts of Travis with the digital marketing expertise of Christian Stachiw. In addition, the collaboration would position Mr. Stachiw to provide Peak Private Label with personalized and proven best practices to complement Travis’ previously acquired knowledge of social media advertising. 

The first step taken by Stach Consulting was to create a strategy that would be used as the centrepiece for all advertising efforts moving forward. The strategy came in the form of a 15-page customized social media advertising audit document that dove into the key findings, reasoning, and strategic next steps to address the core challenges of the company. Amongst all of the information collected and presented to Peak Private Label, a central theme was highlighted that quickly became an essential value add provided by Stach Consulting:    

“One of the main factors many businesses overlook when advertising on Meta technologies is the idea of working with Meta as opposed to against them. Meta wants companies to experience success when advertising on their platforms. There are certain insights that our consultants possess to understand what Meta is looking for to situate companies such as Peak Private Label to realize newfound success. We were eager to provide these insights to Travis as one of the foundational components of the strategic audit document we built. This not only helped tie together the strategy Travis was pursuing, but it also provided a catalyst for the noteworthy results that were ultimately received.” – Christian Stachiw, Founder of Stach Consulting

Upon a thorough review of the strategic document between the parties, Travis gained an understanding of what, why, and how their existing approach to advertising on Instagram and Facebook could be enhanced. This was met with recommended next steps the two parties executed together in the coming months including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Development of various target audience combinations that were previously never explored at the company
  • Development of a strategic roadmap for purpose-driven campaigns
  • Development of new assets to be strategically used across various campaign(s)
  • Technical adjustments to future campaigns to arrive at a seamless advertisement journey for targeted individuals
  • Reorganization and simplification of account structure to align with known best practices


The results received from the application of the details contained within the audit document were all extremely positive. To prove this point, during one of the campaigns a minor communication delay was experienced between Stach Consulting and Peak Private Label. This delay was later clarified by Travis who highlighted that it has “been really busy for them” as they were “seeing some of the best lead numbers ever.”

Arguably the most positive outcome from this success story was with the company’s Founder, Carli Brockway. Through the newfound success and increased interest in Peak Private Label, Carli was presented with the opportunity to quit her full-time corporate job to meet the rising demands of her company. In addition, Peak Private Label has since secured a manufacturing warehouse space to accommodate their growing operations. 

A summary of the analytics provided by Meta for the advertisement campaigns ran throughout this project are displayed below. Please note these results are generalized to respect the strategic details of the project:

  • Up to 5 campaigns built and launched on Instagram and/or Facebook
  • Numerous campaigns, ad sets, and ads exited Meta’s learning phase which was previously never experienced at Peak Private Label
  • At least one campaign marked as “high performing” by Meta
  • 1,000+ leads received, directly contributing to increased revenue and a positive Return on Advertisement Spend (ROAS) for the company
  • Surpassed a milestone of 2,500 followers on Instagram

Given the overall success of this project, Stach Consulting and Peak Private Label are currently exploring additional areas of digital marketing to expand their business relationship.

If you are looking for help with your social media advertising or adjacent areas of digital marketing, contact us below for a free 30-minute introductory consultation!

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